ls your website safe?
We will provide you a tracking num after you order, you can track the package all the way.so plzdont worry aboutit.Also, all fyourpersonal information that you used on our site is confidential.

Where can I look for information on the order I placed?
Your Order Confirmation email contains the detail of your order including order number. You also get a tracking number from which you can track your order.

Do I need to set up an account to place an order? Can I shop without an account?
You may place an order as a guest without an account. However, we recommend creating an account for personalized preferences to save the creations you desire and for ease of access for future purchases.

How can I make changes to my account details?
To make changes to your account, first, log in to your account. There you will have the option to modify your account details. Once you have updated your data, please ensure that you save your changes.

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